1. Orange Tree Help Center
  2. Using Orange Tree
  3. How to search for candidates and orders

How to search for orders, candidates, and save customized search views

In this article and tutorial, we walk you through how to search for orders, candidates, and filter and save custom search views.

In this article and tutorial, you will learn how to:

Search for specific candidates.

Filter orders by location, user, screening packages, billing location, and more. 

Save searches that you frequently run and want to access again.


Click START to begin.

1. The home screen will show your 20 most recent orders. To view all pending orders, click In Progress

Step 1 image

2. To access all orders completed in the current month, click Completed

Step 2 image

3. To search for additional orders, click the Search Tab

Step 3 image

4. You can search by candidate First  and/or Last Name

Step 4 image

5. Social Security Number

Step 5 image

6. And filter by other options such as location, contact, or category.

Step 6 image

7. You can also search a select time period. If you are not finding your candidate, trying un-checking the 'Search Last 2 Months' box and that will usually help.

Step 7 image

8. You can save searches that you frequently run and want to access again.

Step 8 image

9. Saved searches can be accessed at the top of the page under Load Saved Search.

Step 9 image

10. Select a saved search.

Step 10 image

11. Click Go

Step 11 image

12. That's it. You're done.

Step 12 image

Here's an interactive tutorial



(Don't have time to go through the tutorial? Click here to download a PDF copy of the tutorial). 


Search for Candidates


search for candidates

Use the search tab to search for and manage your candidates. You can search for candidates by first and/or last name, social security number, application status, hire status, adjudication, packages, location, and date. 


Filter Orders 


filter orders

You can drill down on orders by filtering by tracking number, location, user, screening package, date, billing location, and more.


Save Search View

Custom view


You can save searches that you frequently run and want to access again.