How to provide my address history?

In this quick tutorial, we will walk you right through how to provide your address history for the past 7 years (including any international addresses you may have).  

(Don't have time to go through the tutorial? Click here to download a PDF copy of the tutorial). 

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  • (Default) Try It: Practice the steps in the tutorial interactively. 
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Once you have decided, click START to continue. 

1. Step 1. Click Address History  to provide your address history for the past 7 years. 

Step 1 image

2. Step 2. Input your current address and all other addresses that you have lived in for the past seven years.

Step 2 image

3. Click to enter the street. 

Step 3 image

4. City

Step 4 image

5. State 

Step 5 image

6. And Postal Code/Zip Code for your current address. 

Step 6 image

7. Provide the Month, Day, and Year that you started Living at each address.

Make sure the dates do not overlap. 

Step 7 image

8. If you need to add additional address, click the '+Add' button to display more fields. 

Step 8 image

9. If you need to add an international address, click on the Country drop down to select the country. 

Step 9 image

10. Select the Country. 

Step 10 image

11. Click to enter Street Address or enter N/A if unknown. 

Step 11 image

12. Click to enter City or N/A if unknown.

Step 12 image

13. Click to enter state, province, territory or N/A for unknown. 

Step 13 image

14. And Postal Code or N/A if unknown. 

Step 14 image

15. Enter the month, day, and year you started living at that address. 

Step 15 image

16. And the Month, Day, and Year you stopped living there. 

Step 16 image

17. When finished, click the Submit button.

Thank you for taking this tutorial!

Step 17 image

Here's an interactive tutorial

Common questions and answers 

1. How do I complete my address history?

  • Input all your addresses for the past seven years, including the day, month, and year at each address. Make sure dates do not overlap.

Tip: If you’re having trouble entering your address history on your mobile device, try using the Chrome browser on your computer.


3. What if I have an international address?